
Submit Your Abstract for SLAS2017

SLAS invites research scientists, engineers, academics and business leaders to submit abstracts for presentation at SLAS2017 the 2017 SLAS International Conference and Exhibition, Feb. 4-8, 2017, in Washington, D.C., USA.

SLAS is a global community of more than 20,000 life sciences professionals—from academia, government and industry—collectively focused on leveraging the power of technology to achieve scientific objectives. Showcase your research on this global stage by presenting at SLAS2017.

Abstract submissions from academia, government and industry are welcome. Contributions from graduate students, post-doctoral associates and junior faculty are encouraged.

Important Deadlines

Podium Abstract Submissions Due:
Monday, August 8, 2016
Tony B. Academic Travel Award Podium Submissions Due:
Monday, August 8, 2016
Tony B. Academic Travel Award Poster Submissions Due:
Monday, September 26, 2016
Podium Abstract Decisions Communicated:
By October 1, 2016
Poster Abstract Submissions Due:

Monday, October 31, 2016
(Deadline for inclusion in Student Poster Competition)

Monday, January 23, 2017
(Final Poster Abstract Submission Deadline)

Poster Abstract Decisions Communicated:

Beginning October 24, 2016
(On a monthly basis thereafter through Final Deadline)

SLAS2017 Educational Tracks

The SLAS2017 scientific program features seven educational tracks:

For complete details regarding planned podium sessions for each track, click here.

If you cannot find your particular topic of interest listed in the detailed track descriptions or preliminary session titles within each track, but wish to report on research related to one of the broad track themes, we encourage you to submit your abstract for consideration by the SLAS2017 Scientific Program Committee.

SLAS Innovation Award

The SLAS Innovation Award is a $10,000 cash prize recognizing the extraordinary work behind that one unique and special podium presentation at the SLAS International Conference. Click here for complete details on the SLAS Innovation Award.

SLAS Tony B. Academic Travel Awards Program

Tony B. Academic Travel Awards include airfare or mileage reimbursement, conference registration and shared accommodations. Students, graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and junior faculty are encouraged to apply. Click here for complete details on the Tony B. Academic Travel Award program.

SLAS2017 Abstract Submission Requirements

To simplify your submission process, please have all of your materials together prior to entering your abstract. You will be able to view screen shots of each step in the abstract process by using the 'Guidelines' section of the submission site.

To submit, you will need the following:

General Instructions:

Sample Abstract:

To view a sample abstract, which adheres to these guidelines, please click here.

Abstract Acceptance and Notification:

Speaker's Agreement:

Selected speakers must agree to the following:

Commercialism/Marketing Policy
Unless specifically designated, the SLAS scientific program is a noncommercial forum. Speakers are to refrain from the use of brand names and specific product endorsement whenever possible. Under no circumstances should the society's podium be used as a place for direct promotion of a speaker's product, service, or for monetary self-interest. Negative remarks about a particular company or brand are also not appropriate.

All authors understand that the presentation title, abstract, bio and author information will be published online at and in the SLAS2017 Conference App, Event Scheduler, ePoster Gallery and Abstract Compendium. SLAS reserves the right to edit title and description for promotional purposes.

Audio-Visual Requirements
To improve the transition between individual speakers, SLAS has instituted a policy requiring that all audio visual be limited to PowerPoint presentations. Presenters are permitted to supply handouts at the session; however, SLAS will not duplicate such material and all costs associated with those handouts are the responsibility of the presenter. SLAS does ask that all podium presenters drop their presentation off at the Speaker Ready Room onsite at SLAS2015 as per details included in the official confirmation. Laptops are provided in the presentation rooms and SLAS asks that all presenters use those laptops rather than providing their own.

SLAS values the diversity of its membership and the contributions each member makes to the education of its members. SLAS will not tolerate comments of a sexual nature nor negative remarks about ethnicity, alternative lifestyles, or physically or mentally challenged individuals. Profanity is prohibited. Speakers must refrain from overt statements or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any individual or group.

Conference Expenses
Those authors whose abstracts are accepted are responsible for their own travel, lodging and conference registration expenses. Waiver of registration fees will be considered upon request for those requiring financial assistance. Details regarding registration waivers will be available with the Speaker Resource Center upon confirmation of acceptance.

All presenters must be registered as full conference participants. Limited funds may be available to assist with travel and/or hotel funding. These funds are based on availability and financial need. Contact Amy McGorry at [email protected] for more information.

All poster presenters must be registered as full conference, unless you are registered as an SLAS exhibitor.